My musings, reflections and insightsWhen it comes to FEAR, we are ALL the same
I’ve just finished a fairly intensive 6 weeks or so of coaching entrepreneurs, executives and ambitious career-focused clients and something has really hit home for me this time around. It’s something I think I have known for quite a long time now, but these last few weeks have really reinforced it. Want to know what […]
When the Spotlight is on you
I’ve been doing quite a bit of speaking lately, both on and offline. And one of the biggest issues that comes up in those conversations is FEAR – of being seen and judged. And I can relate! Putting yourself out there, trying something new, being different, standing out is hard. You are 100% […]
Why do you do it?
My journey to becoming an entrepreneur has been a long one. I started out in 2009 having completed my coaching training. But in truth, I never really committed to it until 2012 when I left my job. And it hasn’t been an easy choice for me. There was a lot to figure out. There still […]
Success Sessions: Coffee with Chichi E Eruchalu
Ooops! We missed a month – totally due to the business of February, what with house moving, a VIP 1st birthday and visits from family. But we are back, and this month is an excellent read from the very talented Chichi Eruchalu, Online Stategist and Business Mentor. Hi Chichi! Tell us a little bit about […]
Raise your Head: Where are you going?
It’s easy to just keep going. Doing your daily duties. Plodding along, getting things done, checking them off your list, fighting fires if necessary. But where are you going? What’s the end goal? Do you know? Are you straying from the path? January is almost over, and it occurred to me that I have been […]
Success Sessions: Coffee with Parrish Wilson
This month I chatted to online content strategist extraordinaire, Parrish Wilson, about life, business and how to make it work. Hi Parrish! Tell us a little bit about you and your business. I’m a mama to two little boys and an entrepreneur in love with my business. I offer content strategy services to other entrepreneurs […]