Your word is your bond

Your word is your bond

Ever heard the phrase:   “Your word is your bond” ?   I am sure you have, or at least some variation of it.   And for the most part I have to agree. When it comes to customer service, friendships and relationships, I consider my word to be precious. If...
Your word is your bond

Behind Every Great Woman…

This post is a guest post from the lovely Jacqui at Heartfil Marketing. We’ve all heard the expression “behind every great man there’s a great woman”. The old adage still rings true but it applies equally the other way. A supportive and...
Your word is your bond

Success Sessions: Coffee with Joyce Campbell

Welcome to this month’s Success Sessions, where we have the pleasure of Joyce Campbell’s company.   Hi Joyce! Thanks for joining us. Tell us a little bit about you and your business. I’ve always had a real fascination for how business works, and why...