Is there something in the air?

Is there something in the air?

Is there something in the air at the moment? More than a couple of friends, clients or colleagues have told me they are feeling a ‘funk’. And you know what? So am I! I feel a touch of overwhelm too over the last week or so. Our move was a biggie, and all the red tape...
Healthy Ever After

Healthy Ever After

Guest post by Sue Ann Gleason For the most part, I support women who are struggling with health issues. They are VERY motivated to change their lifestyle and dietary habits because they are facing pretty scary consequences if they don’t make those changes. Quickly....
Basically, FUN makes you feel good

Basically, FUN makes you feel good

It’s like this.  FUN is essential.   Because:   Scientific studies have shown that it raises our anti-body levels thus boosting the immune system, lowers sugar levels after a meal, reduces the risk of stroke, lessens pain among many, many other things. But...
Is there something in the air?

Exercising the joy muscle

Today Terri Ingraham shares her personal story of finding and exercising her ‘joy muscle’. I hope this piece inspires you to exercise your ‘joy muscle’ too When you’re suffering from a disease like fibromyalgia or even chronic fatigue, it can...