My musings, reflections and insightsAre you really listening?
Listening is a skill, some would even say a virtue. In my experience, people love to be heard. They enjoy when people really listen to them, and feel valued and understood. Most of us think we are good listeners, but I’m not so sure. Are we really listening to the speaker; focusing on their words; […]
Intuition V Reason: the eternal conflict
I like the science. I want to know the facts. Give me the statistics and I’m more at ease. As a girl who considers logic and reason essential for decisions, this niggling ‘intuition’ issue has always been a source of conflict for me. The stats, the figures, the science, the logic… they all make sense […]
Is it time to get off the fence?
Deciding one way or another can be especially challenging at times, and even harder for some of us than others. All too often, the easy option is to sit on the fence, and avoid making a decision altogether. Which can lead to a whole lot of anxiousness, And a heap of worry, And you […]
4 Ways to Make Decisions Easier
“I can’t decide” “What to do” “Which way is best” “I don’t know which way to go now” Is this you? I am sure it is, or it has been at one point. All of us, at some stage or other, struggle with decision-making. Some of us are better at it than others. There are […]
10 Reasons to Hire a Coach
1. Set better goals: You learn how to set bigger, better goals for yourself. A coach will teach you how to set better goals now, and how to do it for yourself in the future. 2. Goals are accomplished quicker: By learning how to set better goals, and being accountable to your coach, you accomplish […]
My 4-step System for Getting Things Done
Throughout my career, as both a manager and an entrepreneur, the question of how to fit everything you need to do into your schedule comes up. It’s a question people consistently ask me. So here is my system, one that has evolved for me over the years: First and foremost, you need to get […]