
My musings, reflections and insights
You have a dream… don’t you?

You have a dream… don’t you?

What’s your dream? What’s the big, kickass goal you have for yourself that you are working towards? You know, that dream lifestyle/career that your heart sings out for? You do have a dream, don’t you? I wonder how many of us have ever even consciously considered that. Or are we so caught up in the […]

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Revisiting the ‘WHY’

Revisiting the ‘WHY’

October marks the beginning of a 30 day blogging challenge with The Suitcase Entrepreneur, and I have decided to challenge myself a little on the blogging front and take part. While I don’t think I will manage to do one every single day, I am aiming for a minimum of 2 each week. I’m fairly […]

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Just ONE quote

Just ONE quote

As I mused through the news items in my Feedly feed today, I happened across an article “103 quotes to motivate your Monday” or something to that effect.   I LOVE quotes.   If you follow me on my Facebook page, you’ll probably already know that.   I was just about to dive in… when […]

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Steal this: productivity booster

Steal this: productivity booster

Working in 90 minute intervals appears to maximize our productivity, according to a study by K Anders Ericsson of Florida State University.   In this study, Ericsson found that the best performers were those who worked in 90 minute intervals beginning in the morning, and took recovery breaks in-between.   To maximize productivity,  “individuals must […]

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Getting creative with creativity

Getting creative with creativity

I’ve been pondering ‘creativity’ of late. What does it mean, exactly? If you were to ask me, do I consider myself ‘creative’, I would answer with a wholehearted and honest ‘No’. I don’t consider myself creative. To me, the creative types are those who are good with paint, sewing, pottery, jewellery etc. You know, the […]

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She reached me. Did she reach you?

I watched this video recap of the events in Texas recently where Senator Wendy Davis staged a filibuster.   Whether you believe in her politics or not is not for discussion here. That conversation is for another day and perhaps another blog.   However, this woman reached me like only a handful ever has. I […]

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