My musings, reflections and insightsBe An Entrepreneurial Warrior and BEAT SUGAR CRAVINGS NOW
This is a guest post from the fab Sara Bradford. You might remember her Success Sessions interview earlier this month. Some of you might know, I am planning a wedding in 6 months time, and really trying to get back on the healthier living train – I fell off with a bang after having the […]
Success Sessions: Coffee With Sara Bradford
This month, I am honoured to feature Sara Bradford of Nourish Real Food. She’s an expert nutritionist with a particular flair for lunchbox food for kids. Tell us a little bit about you and your business, Sara. My name is Sara. I live in Stratford, Ontario, Canada and I am a mom of four (ages […]
2015 is ORANGE
You may recall that usually, in January, I do an exercise to decide my 3 words for the year ahead. This year, I have a head-start on that, as I am taking part in Megan Flatt’s #MyTinyEmpire challenge over on Instagram (if you want to follow me this is my page: @joannab77) The first […]
Holiday Havoc Hacks: How to survive the fun and the frazzles of Christmas
The holidays are coming and things may just get a little crazy. Its the time of year for parties and celebrations, for family and friends, and for tensions and tempers too. I could give you a list of, I dunno, say 10 Holiday Hacks to get you through the madness. But really, will you remember […]
Success Sessions: Coffee with Megan Flatt
They’re back! After a little break, the Success Sessions interview series is up and running once again, and kicking us off is the very wonderful and organisational queen, Megan Flatt – business consultant for Mama CEOs. Hi Megan! Thanks for joining us here. Tell us a little bit about you and your business. I’m Megan and […]
I’ve had a niche revelation!
No matter if you are just starting out, or in business a while, you will no doubt have been informed (probably more than once) of the importance of identifying your niche. I know I certainly was – repeatedly. And I thought I had it sorted. I mean, I know this, I help others with it […]