It’s easy to just keep going.

Doing your daily duties.

Plodding along, getting things done, checking them off your list, fighting fires if necessary.

But where are you going? What’s the end goal? Do you know? Are you straying from the path?

Pen and notebook

January is almost over, and it occurred to me that I have been so busy of late that I haven’t figured out exactly what I want from this year yet. Time to raise my head, take a birds eye view and figure out the bigger picture stuff. Where do I want to take myself and my business in 2015? That’s my plan today.


What about you? Whats your big picture plan for this year? Do you know?

If not, today I challenge  you to take 30 minutes and really consider what you would like the next 12 months to look like for you.

And if you already know, then check in to see if you are still on track. Are your daily activities leading you in the right direction? Are you doing at least one thing every day to take you in the direction of that big picture goal?


1. Take a 30 minute time out and ask yourself: Whats my big picture plan for 2015?

2. Are you doing one thing each day to bring you one step closer to that goal?