November is drawing to a close, and so too is The November Habit Challenge. Did you join in? Did you change at least one habit for the better?

Whether you managed to create a new supportive habit throughout the month, OR even just participate for a few days, now is the time for a well-deserved pat on the back (more to come on this next month!). Habits have now been brought into your full awareness and you are empowered to change them to support your dreams and goals.

We started the month looking at The Power of Habit, a book by Charles Duhigg, and the video that accompanies it. I came across another great little book during The November Habit Challenge too, called The Habit Factor. I’ve been reading it over the last few weeks and highly recommend it. It has an accompanying app for setting and tracking goals… in effect making those action steps we talk about a habit. If you are like me, and your smartphone is practically permanently attached to the end of your arm, then you will love this one! It makes you accountable, and allows you to step-by-step track your goals and align your daily habits with your long-term goals.


I focused on time, confidence and recharge habits on the blog during the month. I hope it inspired you to take some action with your own habits in these areas. Yet, these are only a few areas, there are infinite possibilities to choose from.  Perhaps you focused on something else, healthy eating or exercise for example.

This week, I invite you to share your habit stories with us, right here on the blog. What have you been focusing on during The November Habit Challenge? How did it go for you? Fall off the wagon? Jump back on it! Post your stories in the comments below.

Remember, changing a habit to a supportive one, takes daily practice and effort. Commit to it. Make it a habit!

If you enjoyed this months blogs, why not get yourself on the mailing list and join us next month for more! There’s free tips and trainings for my subscribers, so come join us.