My musings, reflections and insightsBe A Rainbow In Someone Else’s Cloud
‘Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud’ – Maya Angelou I was having ‘a day’ earlier this week. I’ll be honest, I was in foul form. A couple of restless nights, busy days and a full schedule were taking it’s toll. I was building up to an appraisal session with a client and really not […]
Let’s talk money… yes we’re going there.
Actually, let me rephrase that. We are often uncomfortable speaking in a positive light about money. For example, if you earn a good salary/income, it’s almost as if you’re not supposed to tell that to others for fear of being seen as bragging. Or if someone compliments you on your outfit, our first instinct is […]
Two big 2017 takeaways already!
Last week, I facilitated a workshop session on Leading Change for a group of dynamic and creative leaders from up and down the country. What an insightful session it was. While I may have been the facilitator, I too learned a lot from what we encountered (…as I often do!). The two key messages were […]
Expect more than others think is possible
It’s a brand new year. Now, normally, I’m relatively casual about this new year fussing. For me, any day is a good day to set some goals, make some resolutions and start afresh. Coincidentally, this new year beginning fell at an appropriate end to a cycle for me, and so I am happily in the […]
It happened to me – how self-care is the first care
You know that old adage: you can’t pour from an empty cup – take care of yourself first…? I know you know it. I know I know it. And still, I fall into the same traps all the time. I’m being up front with you here. It’s been a tough year. We’ve had some challenges […]
When ‘Do It Now’ doesn’t work
I have a client. She’s amazing. I’ve seen her develop and change her outlook extraordinarily in our time together. For the most-part, it’s been a fabulously successful partnership. But we did have a few stumbling blocks. One of the big ones, was the whole concept of ‘Do It Now.’ Now, normally, I quite like this. […]