
My musings, reflections and insights
Habits: How did you do?

Habits: How did you do?

November is drawing to a close, and so too is The November Habit Challenge. Did you join in? Did you change at least one habit for the better? Whether you managed to create a new supportive habit throughout the month, OR even just participate for a few days, now is the time for a well-deserved […]

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Do you feel stressed?

Do you feel stressed?

I’m going to get straight to the point here: Take a break. Schedule regular breaks every day Schedule regular vacations (you decide how long) throughout the year. Make them habits Here’s why: Taking a vacation increases productivity by 82% (Lovell, 2004) In 2007, workplace stress was estimated to cost US companies more than $300 billion […]

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Time Habits: “I don’t have enough time!”

Time Habits: “I don’t have enough time!”

Time, time, time… it’s the one thing we always wish we had more of. And something we are constantly telling ourselves we don’t have enough of. Yes, I know you’ve been there… you know this one, don’t you. So do I! So what can you do about it? Here’s my top tips for building supportive […]

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Can Confidence be Learned?

Can Confidence be Learned?

This week on Facebook and Twitter, I asked you if confidence is something we are born with, or can we learn it. The response was pretty unanimous: Confidence can be learned. Its true! It’s a skill, just like any other. And how do we perfect our skills? PRACTICE. That’s right, we keep on practicing and […]

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