My musings, reflections and insightsWhat is ‘confidence’ anyway?
And why do you want it? What does a confident person look like to you? Your answers will be different to everyone else’s. Confidence means something different to us all. It might mean being comfortable in your own skin, or being at ease in situations where you interact with new people, or being an excellent […]
Confidence: Roots & Power
According to research, confidence is 50% genetic, 10% life experience and 40% within our control (Lyubomirksy, S., Sheldon, K.M., & Schkade, D., 2005). With that in mind, isn’t it reassuring to know that we have the ability to change our confidence levels. It’s in our control. The power is ours. Some factors that may have […]
Three Things You MUST Do To Achieve Your Goals
In a study by Dr. Gail Matthews of Dominican University of California, it was reported that: People who write down their goals, make themselves accountable by sharing them with someone else, and commit to regular updates on their progress are 33% more successful in achieving their goals. Don’t you want to be 33% more successful […]
Bite-size it!
If you’re like me, you have big dreams and goals. Sometimes they are so big, you’re not really sure how to get there. Those are the BEST ones though, aren’t they? They are the ones that really ignite your fire inside of you, that make a workday swoosh by in the blink of an eye. […]
2013, I Have 3 Words For You
Over the last week or so, as I have been pondering the year ahead and what I plan on doing with it, I managed to set some seriously good goals. I’m excited for 2013 and the potential ahead. I wanted to get a bit playful with it though, shake it up a bit, give it […]
January: Get Goal-Setting
And we are back! It’s the first blog post of 2013. Happy New Year y’all! It’s January, and we need a new theme of the month now, don’t we… that’s right, you’ve guessed it, this months theme is GOALS If you’re inbox is anything like mine, it’s been full of emails and newsletters talking planning and goal […]