My musings, reflections and insightsLessons in list building
Today, I am sharing one of the biggest lessons I learned in business with you. So, if you are just starting out, or well into your business development, this will interest you. Whether you’ve an online business or traditional bricks and mortar business, then this one tip that I learned over the years will […]
What’s your special sauce that sets you apart?
Today, I’m asking what is it that makes you different, unique and special? And how do you apply it in your business, career or life? For me, I am a creative thinker. I have the ability to process information, cut through the fog and find some clear and creative solutions. I couple this with […]
Business inspiration comes in all shapes and sizes
Who inspires you in your business or your career? I’m thinking your professional life here, and not so much the personal life role models. Two years ago if you had asked me that question, the response would have been poles apart from the one today. Business inspiration comes in all shapes and sizes, and while […]
Maintaining Mindset Despite the Daily Grind
There’s no doubt that life gets busy. The daily comings and goings of business, family and friends can get noisy and busy. Life, family, people have a habit of distracting your from your focus. Making sure you stay focussed on your path despite that is a trick that’s sometimes difficult to master. That’s where mindset comes […]
Tell me about your ideal day?
This is one of my favourite concepts in coaching theory, and probably the one I use most frequently myself. And it’s super simple. Take a few moments and consider the question: what does my ideal day look like? Put in as much detail as you can. Picture it in all its colourful glory. Where do […]
What does ‘freedom’ mean to you?
‘Freedom’ is one of those subjective words. The Oxford Dictionary defines it as ‘the power or right to act, speak or think as one wants’, and at it’s most basic level that works for me. But, on a personal level, it’s more than that, and prompts today’s question: What does ‘freedom’ mean to you? For […]