This blog post comes to you from the edge of the Sumida River in Tokyo on a beautiful sunny day (see pic). As I sat here, I was struck by how lucky I am to be sitting here, with this fabulous view, in this awesome city. Some of you may already know, my partner is here for a time, working, so I grabbed the opportunity to travel and joined him for our very own ‘Tokyo Drift’. So now, I can be here, and still see you, my clients, followers and dare I say it… fans! Our modern world, and technology makes it possible for us to be ultimately mobile in our work, and for that I am supremely grateful. And gratitude is so important! Very often we don’t stop to reflect on the fabulousness that exists in our lives. We frequently get caught up in the problems, the negativity, the economy and the ‘poor me’ attitude that drags us down and keeps us there. I say ‘Nay’ to that and choose the gratitude attitude. It keeps me feeling good, and invites more of the same into my world. There are so many ways to be grateful. I have a little app on my iphone, where I regularly post my reasons to be grateful. And when I am feeling low, I pop back in and read over my posts. That usually puts enough zing in my attitude to get me back on track again 🙂
What do you do to keep the gratitude attitude alive in your life?
I have to say I’m finding that part quite difficult these days
Some days are like that Elaine 🙂 Have your tried writing down some grateful thoughts? Or keeping a gratitude journal? If you want a quick boost to your mood, check out my previous post on ways to beat that bad mood.