No matter if you are just starting out, or in business a while, you will no doubt have been informed (probably more than once) of the importance of identifying your niche. I know I certainly was – repeatedly. And I thought I had it sorted. I mean, I know this, I help others with it all the time! However…


When I really looked at who I serve, it boiled down to two clear client groups.

So my niche just got drilled down another level and even clearer.

Spiral stairs in Saint Istvan Basilika in Budapest

Let’s pause a minute though, to reflect on why having a niche is important for business.

Quite simply, if you want people to buy your offerings, you need to have a good marketing plan in place. And if you don’t know who you are marketing too, you end up trying to be all things to all people. But in marketing terms, that just won’t work. You want people to read your offerings and think “Yes, that’s me!” You need to speak their language, directly to them, and compel them to make a purchase. They are far more likely to do that if you can demonstrate that you are an expert in working with people just like them.


Lets go back to me then. I’m a coach. I specialize in clarity and confidence coaching for ambitious people who feel stuck, helping them to take action by challenging underlying beliefs and assumptions and working with them to elevate their professional and personal lives to new heights.


You know that about me. You’ve seen that before.


But… when I looked even deeper, I discovered that there are two different types of people that come to me:

– Those in business for themselves, looking for coaching and mentoring on mindset, marketing and money matters for themselves and their business. Therapists, counsellors and wellness practitioners are my zone of genius when it comes to business coaching, having spent many years working closely with them.

– Those at a turning point or crossroad in their careers, looking for careers and career development coaching. You know already that I work with individuals on this, but did you know that I also work 1-2-1 with MBA students internationally on their career development plans?


As a result, the website has been updated and amended to reflect my two new niches:

  • Business Coaching
  • Career Coaching


My zone of genius falls into two categories. I still do what I always did, now I just know even more clearly who I do it for.


In my experience, the longer we are in business, the more we get to know our client base and uncover our zone of genius. As a result, your business evolves and grows with you. What has your experience of niching been? Did you start out in one field and then discover you actually operate in another? Or did you know straight off the bat what your zone of genius was?