The summer months can get busy with plans and holidays, so now is the perfect time to set yourself up for success in the latter part of the year. I’m excited to announce dates for the Autumn round of “Magic In The Middle: Coaching and Mentoring for Middle Managers” program, designed specifically for the hardworking and often under-supported middle management tier. This transformative program starts on 23rd September 2024 and runs until 16th December 2024. It includes:

  • 4 Group Coaching Sessions
  • 4 One-to-One Coaching Sessions

Early Bird Offer: Book before 29th July 2024 and receive a bonus one-to-one coaching session, giving your managers even more personalised support.

Why Book Now?

Plan Ahead: Get this valuable development opportunity in the diary before the summer holidays take over. It’s one less thing to worry about when the busy season hits.

Maximise Potential: By investing in your middle managers now, you free up your own time to focus on more strategic work. Empowered managers lead to smoother operations and more effective teams.

Boost Engagement and Retention: Coaching and mentoring help your managers feel supported and valued, which can lead to increased job satisfaction and lower turnover rates.

Early Bird Benefits: Take advantage of our bonus session, offering additional personalised guidance to ensure your managers are ready to tackle the challenges ahead with confidence and clarity.

To secure your spot and take advantage of this early bird offer coaching and mentoring for middle managers, contact me here.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to invest in the core of your practice. Let’s make sure your team is set up for success before the rush of autumn arrives.